

Carpet Removal

Residential Carpet Removal or Commercial Carpet Removal. can be done Fast & Efficiently.

The two ways to install carpets are gluing them down and using the glued-down double-down process. Commercial businesses prefer to directly glue down carpets, while installers mostly use the double-glued down process for residential carpets.

Double glue down carpet installation is similar to glued down, except this process involves special padding.  The carpet is glued to the padding and the padding is affixed to the floor. The padding provides additional cushion and tends to extend the life of the carpet.

To remove a carpet without damaging your subflooring, you need professional equipment and experience. The adhesive used in the carpet installation is the most difficult to remove, you cannot simply pull the carpet up and throw it away.

Enviro Surface Removers will remove the carpet, glue and padding (if required) from your residence or commercial premises using our professional equipment with the help of our trained employees. We look forward to exceeding your expectations.

Our state of the art equipment & experienced crews are able to do:

  • Residential Carpet & Underpad Removal
  • Commercial Carpet & Adhesive Removal
  • Hardwood Removal – Concrete Grinding & Leveling
  • VCT & Resilient Sheet Removal
  • Tile Removal – Ceramic Tile Removal
  • Marble Tile Removal
  • Slate Tile Removal
  • Porcelain Tile Removal
  • Thinset Mortar Removal
  • All Floor Removal

At Enviro Surface Removers we are experienced in working with both commercial spaces and private homes. We pride ourselves on working efficiently and quickly by ensuring minimum disruption to both your business and daily life. Our 30+ years of technical understanding and experience put us in an ideal position to remove carpets completely and efficiently.


#1 Rated Surface Removal Company

Enviro Surface Removers Inc
Floor Removal – Residential & Commercial
Head Office: 202 Douglas Woods Hill SE,
Calgary, Ab T2Z 3B1
PH: 403.874.3000 Fax: 403.974.3299
Calgary: 403-874-3000
Edmonton: 780-977-2444
Vancouver: 604-328-9300
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